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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - satellite


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Перевод с английского языка satellite на русский

искусственный спутник земли, ИСЗ – active-communications satellite – ASTRA satellite – broadcast satellite – communications satellite – dark satellite – direct-broadcasting satellite – domestic satellite – dual-band satellite – Evtelsat satellite – forwarding satellite – GALS satellites – HOT BIRD satellites – information satellite – Intelsat satellite – marine communication satellite – meteorological satellite – multibeam satellite – passive-communications satellite – radioamateur satellite – reflector satellite – relay satellite – search-and-rescue satellite – synchronous satellite – TDF satellite – TELECOM satellite – telecommunication satellite – TELE-X satellite – transmitting satellite – TV-SAT satellite – weather satellite
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См. в других словарях

  1) сателлит 2) сателлитовый 3) снаряд-спутник 4) спутник active satellite repeater — активный спутниковый ретранслятор artificial earth satellite — космонавт. спутник Земли искусственный artificial moon satellite — космонавт. спутник Луны искусственный communications relay satellite — спутник-ретранслятор laser range to satellite — дальность place satellite in orbit — запустить спутник на орбиту repeater communication satellite — ретрансляционный связной спутник satellite communication link — спутниковая линия связи satellite ground station — наземная станция системы спутниковой связи satellite navigation system — мор. система навигационная космическая, система навигационная спутниковая satellite photographic camera — спутниковая фотокамера unmanned robot satellite — космонавт. спутник автоматический без людей - Earth satellite - communication satellite - habitable satellite - launch satellite - left satellite - maneuverable satellite - research satellite - right satellite - robot satellite - satellite broadcasting - satellite communications - satellite geodesy - satellite of functor - satellite office - satellite point - satellite town - satellite transmission - satellite tumbles - satellite wobbles - track satellite - weather satellite ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) сателлит, спутник 2) искусственный спутник 3) государство-сателлит 4) город-спутник • - Communications Satellite Corporation - communications satellite - direct broadcasting satellite ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  спутник, сателлит (у хромосомы); сателлитный (о ДНК) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. астр. сателлит, спутник Earth satellite —- спутник Земли natural satellite —- естественный спутник 2. искусственный спутник manned satellite —- обитаемый спутник, спутник с экипажем на борту satellite (communication) system —- система связи через (искусственные) спутники (Земли) to shoot up (to launch) a satellite —- запустить искусственный спутник 3. приспешник; приверженец; сателлит 4. член свиты, участник торжественного кортежа; сопровождающее лицо 5. государство-сателлит (также satellite state) the Axis satellites —- ист. сателлиты Стран оси 6. архит. город-спутник (также satellite town) 7. ам. пригород 8. метеор. вторичный циклон 9. авт. сателлит 10. биол. спутник (хромосомы) 11. мат. сателлит 12. вспомогательный; подчиненный satellite airfield —- ам. воен. вспомогательный (запасный) аэродром satellite gun-position —- воен. вспомогательная огневая позиция 13. передавать через спутник связи our film was being satellited —- наш фильм передавался через спутник связи ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) приспешник, приверженец; сателлит  2) astr. спутник  3) искусственный спутник - manned satellite  4) зависимое государство; государство-сателлит SATELLITE town город-спутник ...
Англо-русский словарь
  город-спутник ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) искусственный спутник земли, ИСЗ 2) спутник 3) спутниковый ретранслятор 4) ретрансляционный телецентр 5) вспомогательная передвижная телевизионная станция, вспомогательная ПТС to place satellite in orbit — выводить спутник на орбиту; to rocket satellite into orbit — выводить спутник на орбиту с помощью ракеты-носителя - amateur satellite - application technology satellite - backup satellite - beam-switched satellite - biological satellite - broadcasting satellite - communications satellite - coorbiting satellite - dedicated satellite - direct-broadcast satellite - direct readout satellite - direct-to-home satellite - earth-exploration satellite - earth radiation budget satellite - earth resources technology satellite - earth resources satellite - environment satellite - GEO satellite - HEO satellite - high-altitude satellite - high-apogee satellite - high-earth orbit satellite - high-inclination satellite - high-orbit satellite - high-resolution radar mapping satellite - in-orbit satellite - leased satellite - LEO satellite - low-altitude satellite - low-apogee satellite - low-earth orbit satellite - low-orbit satellite - meteorological satellite - microwave power satellite - mobile satellite - multibeam satellite - near-earth satellite - near-polar-orbiting satellite - nonsun-synchronized satellite - nuclear power satellite - observatory satellite - ocean-dedicated satellite - oceanographic satellite - one-way satellite - passive satellite - polar orbiting satellite - reflector satellite - relay satellite - round-trip satellite - search and rescue satellite - solar max satellite - solar power satellite - solar-radiation satellite - space electric rocket test satellite - space laser power system-powered satellite - spin-stabilized satellite - station-keeping satellite - subsynchronous satellite - sun-earth observatory...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet. 2 an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet. 3 a follower; a hanger-on. 4 an underling; a member of an important person's staff or retinue. 5 (in full satellite State) a small country etc. nominally independent but controlled by or dependent on another. --adj. 1 transmitted by satellite (satellite communications; satellite television). 2 esp. Computing secondary; dependent; minor (networks of small satellite computers). Phrases and idioms satellite dish a concave dish-shaped aerial for receiving broadcasting signals transmitted by satellite. satellite town a small town economically or otherwise dependent on a nearby larger town. Derivatives satellitic adj. satellitism n. Etymology: F satellite or L satelles satellitis attendant ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle French, from Latin satellit-, satelles attendant  Date: circa 1548  1. a hired agent or obsequious follower ; minion, sycophant  2.  a. a celestial body orbiting another of larger size  b. a manufactured object or vehicle intended to orbit the earth, the moon, or another celestial body  3. someone or something attendant, subordinate, or dependent; especially a country politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country  4. a usually independent urban community situated near but not immediately adjacent to a large city  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (satellites) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A satellite is an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communications system. Satellites move continually round the earth or around another planet. The rocket launched two communications satellites... The signals are sent by satellite link... N-COUNT: also by N 2. Satellite television is broadcast using a satellite. They have four satellite channels. ADJ: ADJ n 3. A satellite is a natural object in space that moves round a planet or star. ...the satellites of Jupiter. N-COUNT 4. You can refer to a country, area, or organization as a satellite when it is controlled by or depends on a larger and more powerful one. Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s. N-COUNT: oft N n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication  (the launch of a communications and weather satellite | by satellite (=using a satellite))  (This broadcast comes live by satellite from New York.) 2 a moon that moves around a planet  (The moon is a satellite of the Earth.) 3 a country, town, or organization that is controlled by or is dependent on another larger one  (satellite country/town/suburb (=one that has developed next to a large city)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1548, from M.Fr. satellite, from L. satellitem (nom. satelles) "attendant," from Etruscan satnal. Meaning "planet that revolves about a larger one" first attested 1611, in reference to the moons of Jupiter, from L. satelles, used in this sense by astronomer Johannes Kepler. Meaning "man-made machinery orbiting the Earth" first recorded 1936 as theory, 1957 as fact. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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